Petersfield Museum and Art Gallery Ticket Portal

23 Oct: Edit Your Writing - Workshop

Tackle this crucial part of the writing process. Pick up specifics tips on how to improve dialogue, layout, structure, character. Bring a section of your writing and discover how seriously writers take editing.

Since Portsmouth Bookfest 2021’s sold-out Take Your Novel Further and Write Your Novel courses, a group of writers local and farflung have met regularly online to edit their work, reshaping, pruning, prodding, developing early drafts towards publishable standard, in preparation for submitting to agents or publishers. Novelist William Sutton shares tips, pitfalls and secrets of the dark arts of editing.

Appropriate for committed writers, all ages, writing fiction, drama, short story or non-fiction.

“Such a supportive group.”

“Great session again today, thank you.”

“I've found the input on editing particularly useful because it gave objective criteria to cut through the sprawling first draft.

[Editing Club is a monthly online event that emerged from Write Your Novel courses in Portsmouth Bookfest. Two contributors put in short scenes. The assembled company poke, prod and evaluate the text, suggesting edits from structural through copy edit to proofreading.]


About William Sutton:
I’ve delivered workshops for every age group from under 6s to over 60s, at festivals and conferences from the Edinburgh International Book Festival to Bristol CrimeFest, High Down High Security Prison to Eton College.

I’ve written articles for The Times, Fortean Times and the Conversation. I’ve written plays for stage and radio and stories for national and international magazines. I have taught Latin, acted in the world’s longest play and played cricket for Brazil. My novels are published by Titan Books. Lawless and the Flowers of Sin was a Book of the Year in Morning Star and Mail on Sunday newspapers.

I have a PhD by Publication in Creative Writing, and taught at the University of Portsmouth.

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  • Edit Your Writing (Standard)
    Edit Your Writing (Standard)
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23 Oct: Edit Your Writing - Workshop

Tackle this crucial part of the writing process. Pick up specifics tips on how to improve dialogue, layout, structure, character. Bring a section of your writing and discover how seriously writers take editing.

Since Portsmouth Bookfest 2021’s sold-out Take Your Novel Further and Write Your Novel courses, a group of writers local and farflung have met regularly online to edit their work, reshaping, pruning, prodding, developing early drafts towards publishable standard, in preparation for submitting to agents or publishers. Novelist William Sutton shares tips, pitfalls and secrets of the dark arts of editing.

Appropriate for committed writers, all ages, writing fiction, drama, short story or non-fiction.

“Such a supportive group.”

“Great session again today, thank you.”

“I've found the input on editing particularly useful because it gave objective criteria to cut through the sprawling first draft.

[Editing Club is a monthly online event that emerged from Write Your Novel courses in Portsmouth Bookfest. Two contributors put in short scenes. The assembled company poke, prod and evaluate the text, suggesting edits from structural through copy edit to proofreading.]


About William Sutton:
I’ve delivered workshops for every age group from under 6s to over 60s, at festivals and conferences from the Edinburgh International Book Festival to Bristol CrimeFest, High Down High Security Prison to Eton College.

I’ve written articles for The Times, Fortean Times and the Conversation. I’ve written plays for stage and radio and stories for national and international magazines. I have taught Latin, acted in the world’s longest play and played cricket for Brazil. My novels are published by Titan Books. Lawless and the Flowers of Sin was a Book of the Year in Morning Star and Mail on Sunday newspapers.

I have a PhD by Publication in Creative Writing, and taught at the University of Portsmouth.

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